Annual Academic Journals

We at the Editorial Board of Economics Department, Indraprastha College for Women, University of Delhi, believe in engaging with the defining issues of our time as torchbearers of a sustainable future. In our quest to espouse the ideals of free speech, debate and discussion in society, Prophets of Profit publishes an academic journal annually. The journal contains academic articles and is our contribution to the corpus of research in the field of economics. 

We are proud to bring to you our annual academic journal Prophets of Profit for 2022-23. This 10th volume is based on the theme “Development in South Asia”. The journal includes research work by undergraduate students of Economics covering issues, solutions, and interlinkages between development of South Asia and economics.

Prophets of Profit Journal 2022-23: Development in South Asia (Flipbook Version)

Prophets of Profit Journal 2022-23: Development in South Asia (PDF Version)

Prophets of Profit Journal 2021-22: Reflections on 75 years of Independence of India (Flipbook Version)

Prophets of Profit Journal 2021-22: Reflections on 75 years of Independence of India (PDF Version)

Prophets of Profit 2021-22: Reflections on 75 years of Independence of India (Journal Video)

Access the previous editions of our journal Prophets of Profit below:

Prophets of Profit Journal 2019-20: Economics of Climate Change(Flipbook Version)

Prophets of Profit Journal 2019-20: Economics of Climate Change (PDF Version)

Prophets of Profit 2019-20: Economics of Climate Change (Journal Video)

Prophets of Profit Journal 2018-19

Prophets of Profit Journal 2017-18

Prophets of Profit Journal 2016-17

Kindly refer to our previous guidelines for more information:

2020-21 Guidelines for the Annual Academic Journal Vol. 8