The MBA Avenue: Getting in and Getting Ready

The Alumnae Cell of the Department of Economics of Indraprastha College for Women organized a webinar titled ‘The MBA Avenue: Getting in and Getting ready’ over Google Meet, at 4:00 p.m. on August 28, 2021. Ms. Oorja Seth, a remarkable alumna of the Department of Economics of Indraprastha College for Women, was invited as the speaker. The event was attended by the second and third-year students of the Economics Department. It was hosted by Shruti Arora, a third-year student, and Wajiha Imran, a second-year student—both members of the Alumnae Cell.

Shruti Arora commenced the event with a brief introduction of Ms. Oorja Seth, who had secured the first position in her batch of 63 students at IPCW. Further, she had pursued her Masters in Business Administration from the Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), University of Delhi. She had also been awarded the prestigious Dean’s Honor Roll and been nominated for the O.P. Jindal Scholarship.

During the course of the webinar, it became apparent that Ms. Oorja is not only academically successful, but she also has spectacular experience in the field of marketing. As an undergraduate student, she had interned with Nearbuy and during her Master’s, she worked as a marketing intern at Nestlé, India. She is currently working as an Area Sales Manager at Nestlé, India. Ms. Oorja Seth reflected on her journey and shared her personal experience and indispensable insights about prospects for students in the field of Economics. 

She expounded on her decision to pursue MBA despite being a top ranker in Economics.  It had been clear to her since her school life that the business management route was the best choice for her. Despite facing questions from a lot of people for this seeming shift in her career, she remained confident that it was the right stepping-stone for her.

Ms. Seth had appeared for the CAT examination in 2017. She had gained the opportunity of getting interviewed by some of the most renowned colleges in India; having our professors’ letters of recommendation had backed her application. She believes that she had a definitive edge in the interviews, as many of the interviewers, including those from IIM Bangalore and IIM Lucknow had known the professors at IPCW.

She described her journey at the Faculty of Management Studies as gruelling. The hectic schedule and tense environment were very taxing for the first three months. At FMS, she’d initially thought of going into the finance domain, however, her perception was changed by the Marketing Society of FMS. Marketing entails multiple industries and her inclination was towards Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Hence, companies like Nestlé, Colgate, and P&G were her target. Fortunately, she had gotten the opportunity to intern with Nestlé, India where she worked with their oldest Indian brand, Milkmaid. She also provided insight into the selection process at Nestlé.

Ms. Oorja gave excellent advice with the utmost gusto in response to an outpouring of questions from the eager attendees. The session witnessed tremendous participation from the attendees and was finally concluded by Wajiha Imran on behalf of the Alumnae Cell with a cordial vote of thanks to Ms. Oorja Seth. All-in-all, the webinar proved to be exceedingly enlightening for students with regards to their future prospects and gave those in attendance a lot to ponder over, together with some much-needed motivation and inspiration.

This event was covered by Navyveen Bhasin and Mehak Aggarwal, Copy Editors at Prophets of Profit, the Editorial Board of the Economics Department.

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