In Conversation with Nikita Singh

(Trigger warning: post contains mental health issues related to depression)

I had depression during my 11th and 12th grade. The illness made it a daunting task for me to even work towards my goals Especially, in an environment where I had been a topper, I carried the weight of everyone’s huge expectations on me. 

The last 3 months of 12th grade proved to be crucial as I prepared myself to fetch a seat in DU. It was a battle that I had to win against all odds and emerge victorious like a phoenix from the ashes. It truly made me stronger than ever before. Since then, I have realised that a battle is not lost when people start calling you a failure but rather when your will power surrenders and you start believing in the loss. And only then it becomes your sad reality. 

Life changed drastically for me when I came to Delhi. I was a girl who had been in a boarding school for seven long years. Although I had always dreamt of coming to Delhi, little did I know that this city would make me fall in love with it. Even the attempts to experience the city-life when my life was limited to the campus had been arduous. Every day was an adventure to behold as college life gradually unfolded before me. 

I was a shy and studious girl. A typical introvert with little opinion on anything however got the opportunity of discovering a culture where everyone had a voice. A stance on all kinds of social issues that I never concerned myself with before. People here were engaged in diverse activities besides academics. It made me appreciate the fact that the city equips students to learn numerous skills and gain proficiency in almost anything under the Sun, something that is still not encouraged in some parts of India. 

I started developing an inclination towards building my own voice. A conviction to stand against all transgressions in our country. My time in the city has taught me the beauty of self-expression, that education is in essence beyond academics, and that freedom of expression is priceless. This realisation has carved me into a completely different person. I am now a more opinionated, knowledgeable, confident and an optimistic individual.

This journey spanning three momentous years has taught me that, “Sometimes our perception of life is not the absolute reality and is much more beautiful than we could ever imagine.”  I am certainly going to spread the precious lessons and skills that I gained further. I met many wonderful souls during my time at this college and indeed we weaved a beautiful string of memories together. I am grateful for what life has given me. As I near the completion of my graduation, I know that I will not only carry a degree with me but also a voice that is not intimidated to rise for the progress of people.

Nikita Singh is a third-year student of Economics at IP College for Women, DU.

(If you need support or know someone who does, please reach out to your nearest mental health specialist. You are not alone.)


  1. I appreciate your optimistic views towards life. I really got astounded on your sagacity and intellectuality.Exploring the new possibility and vivid perception will certainly catapult you on to the thumping success of your life.
    I am astonished at your great vicissitudes of life. Have a great day ahead.


  2. We all know that ur topper and hard worker, all are having some difficult times u crossed that to reach ur goal and continue like this only in future also and at a same time enjoy ur life with limit all the best 9th cls mate.we are proud to be ur same cls of me.
    All the best nikitha


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